
After her education at the academy of arts Tilburg, the Netherlands, she worked for years as a teacher in arts and art history. To improve her qualities as a painter she took lessons in 16e and 17e centuries oil painting techniques. She works with open acrylics and oils. The textile fabrics in a lot of the paintings are personal stories. Because she likes to make narrative paintings her work has to be realistic. The stories cover gender equality, social issues, art history and personal issues.

 She visualizes the Zeitgeist in her paintings

Serendipity, time and technique each play their part during the process of creating the paintings. Because of the time consuming technique it is possible to add another idea during the process. This makes a strong contrast with all the images that we are surrounded with most of the day. She uses many images to make a new more powerfull image. Most drawings often have less complicated stories and are sometimes made only to celebrate beauty.

Yvonne sees beauty as essential to art
 because our mind needs beauty to stay alive and vibrant. 

She is a member of the artist’s society NABK in the Netherlands.

BOK beroepsorganisatie kunstenaars. Manhattans Arts International online gallery. Kun:st International. Stuttgart Germany



2021 AmericanArtAwards 5th category expressionisme U.S.A

2021 26 May - 26 August; online exhibition;  Artist lounge. Fifty shades of Red. Senior talent Award. 

2021 May: Camelbackgallery flowers bronze award online U.S.A.

2021 Anthology Magazine ; 2th Special Recommended for the Cover Award

2020 November finalist: Magazine of Circle Foundation France

2020 Amarican Art Awards; 2th, 3th and 5th place

2020 Award of Excellence ; Dance Macabre Event: Healing Power of Arts and Artists NY, U.S.A.

2019 5th Political Category American Art Awards

2019 Award of Excellence Artavita finalist

2019 Finalist in the Artist of the Year award  Circle Art Foundation France.

2018 American Art Awards 4e selfportrait, 5e political category. U.S.A.

2018 Finalist Passion for Freedom London U.K

2018 Certifcate of Excellence New Beginnings Manhattan Arts


2017 jun. Finalist Artbox project Basel

2016 Dec. Finalist "Schilder van het Jaar" Netherlands

2016 Nominated Kitz award Austria.

2016 January, SR award: All Women Art Online Competition - LST Gallery, USA.

2015 Certificate of Excellence: Palm-Art-Award, Germany.

2015 Award of Merit: Manhattans Arts International, USA.

2015 Healing Power of Art award: Manhattans Arts International, USA.

2015 SR award: All Women Art Online Competition - LST Gallery, USA.

2014 Certificate of excellence: Palm-Art-Award, Germany.

2014 Special Merit award: Botanicals Online Competition - Gallery Light,

Space & Time, USA.

2014 SR award: All Women Art Online Competition - LST Gallery, USA.

2013 Nominated for the "Schilderij van het jaar" painting contest.



2021 December: online exhibition; Limitless Florence Contempary art gallery for one Italy 

2021 20 September-20 November: online exhibition; Inspirational Art in mixed media; Healing power of arts and artists   U. S.A


2021 26 May - 26 August; online exhibition;  Artist lounge. Fifty shades of  Red, U.K.

 2021 May: Camelbackgallery flowers online  exhibition U.S.A.

2021 April/May: online exhibition; Waddinxveense Kunstkring The Netherlands

2021 Artibosch  online exhibition since April. The Netherlands

2021 France: Featured artist Circle Foundation for one year

2020 October: Online juried exhibition Amarican Art Awards

2020 May- August: Philadelphia U.S.A. juried online exhibition; Congruence

2020 April :  Gallery of  the Wowmuseum in Houston U.S.A.; Since Leucipos 

2020 March: Museum of Gouda,  group exhibition; "Stip op de horizon"

2020  March: Exhibition in Town Hall of  Keulen-Kalk; Germany

2020  Jan-31 May: Healing  Power of Arts and Artists New York U.S.A.

2019  10 - 12  October: Darkerkant Hamburg Germany.

2019  4 - 6 October: La Lecq. Krimpener Kunstwaard  Netherlands

2019  Aug 9th Botanical juried Contest LS&T Gallery U S A.

2019  July- September: sociëvteit het Meisjeshuis Delft Netherlands

2019 Zomer-expo opstelling Van Gendthallen Amsterdam Netherlands

2019 Kun:st International gallery Leonberg Germany

2019 Arte Messe Seidelfingen Germany.

2018/2019 18dec - 8 jan: Townhall Waddinxveen

2018 Passion for Freedom Art Festival London U.K

2018 Kunst-cultuurroute Moerdijk The Netherlands

2018 Art fair Stein The Netherlands

2018 Renewal Gallery Den Bosch the Netherlands.

2017 Jun. Basel Artbox project

2017 Jan-Febr. Codamuseum Apeldoorn Netherlands

2016 12nov - 14 jan Hilton Rotterdam

2016 sept - dec deSchouw Lopik Netherlands

2016 March – May, Marziart Internationale Galerie Hamburg, Germany.

2016 January, LST Gallery, USA.

2015 Permanent exposition Palm-Art-award, Germany.

2015 August – October, Hot Topics exposition Manhattan Arts

International, USA.

2015 Permanent Erbe Plus Academy Tübingen, Germany.

2015 March, LST Gallery, USA.

2014 Permanent exposition Palm-Art-award, Germany.

2014 June LST Gallery, USA.

2014 March LST Gallery, USA.

2014 Exhibiting in a medical centre, Netherlands.

2014 - 2016 exposition Town hall Schoonhoven, Netherlands.

2014 - 2015 exposition Gender Institute at the University of Maastricht




2021 Harbor Review Poetry Magazine, New York U.S.A.

2021 Magazine Artist Lounge U.K.

2020  Book: Excellent Art /Exzellent  Kunst; International Artswork and Poems

2019 year book Kun:st International

2018 Circle Art Foundation spring quarterly

Magazine: jan. 2018Magazine 073 Den Bosch

Online Magazine: Circle Art Quarterly - Spring 2018  page 136

Book:Who's Who in Visual Art 101Top Fine Artists of our day 2017 Germany

Book: Art3, Kunstkatalog 2017, Kitz Art Kunst-und Kulturverein.

Magazine: Cover ledenmagazine NABK, ADAF Amsterdam, 2016.

Article: 'Extraordinary Women Artists Express Their Artistic Visions', Manhattan Arts International, USA, 2016.

Book: Kunstenaarsjaarboek 2016.

Book: 50 Masters of realistic imagery vol.2015 Germany. 

Kunstoase: schilderij van het jaar 2013.